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Public Speaking Text : How Important Reading To Todays' Teenagers

             Today teenagers do not read as many books as a teenager even 10 or 20 years back used to. Why is it so? Is it because other forms of communication, learning and entertainment have taken over the ever popular “book” or is there some other reason? What do you think?              Well, in my opinion, reading is very important to today’s teenagers as it not only provides them with entertainment, but also with knowledge. Nowadays, all teenagers ever do is hang out with their friends, laze around playing with their mobile phones or just glue themselves to a computer. They have no idea how reading can benefit us. To some teenagers, reading is probably a waste of time. So, for some books that have been made into movies, most teens would just wait for the benefits besides the obvious “increase our vocabulary” advantage. Did you know that reading also helps us relax and improve our concentration?   ...
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Public Speaking Text : True Beauty

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Public Speaking Text : Advantage and Benefit of Reading

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Public Speaking Text : Advantage of Reading

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Public Speaking Text`: Time Management

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